1.  Always play in a sitting position and put your device on a table or pillow so that your wrist has support and you can get better controls.

2. Get the right sensitivity (don't change it frequently) and layout for you (Four fingers/claw recommended).

3. Before playing on a new day, do a bit of drill on the training ground, constantly follow a pattern in them.

4. As you jump out of your plane- use the eye button to look for who all are following you, as you land be quick to grab a weapon and vest (if possible) and kill the enemy nearby you. Do not go for all-out, just after you feel a little secure grab some ammo, meds, vest, and other things required.

5. If an enemy is hiding in a room on the upper floor, try using a vehicle and climb it to get the alternative path to enter the room or even shoot from outside, as they can sometimes be camping with shotguns. 

6. In an open, keep moving constantly as anyone can snipe you directly before you anticipate.

7. In the 2nd the last zone try using a vehicle to climb up on it and get on to the roofs with no entry points, this will give you an upper hand in case you get a full squad in the last zone.

8. Try playing with your squad, as 4 players together are always better than being single.

9. Get used to firing without ADS. If the enemy is not under the radar and is firing at you then run and dodge in a direction perpendicular to the firing or get cover. Recover your health and then aim for the target.

Stay Updated, More Coming Soon 😉